In the continuation of the open project in which we all live, “Os Espacialistas” present the poetic city of space, which rehabilitates the sculptural value of word and time, responds to the body’s climatic changes and guarantees the rise of the average level of human creativity.
In this “Cidade Jardim”, the extinction, aging and control of the body and un happy life, which were designed throughout history, are circumvented by the new rewirings of humanity.
The archaeological role of memory and error in the public spaces of the imagination of this city is the measure action. Being human in 2021 will continue to be, by far, the main disease of the animal that we are, despite all the dystopias of the body and space that we experience.
Will the word, capable of all languages, continue to be the first sculpture of human nature? Will it be able to exist in the impoverishment of all kinds of languages that we experience? Is it the impoverishment of the language of love that we all experience, the cause of all the contemporary mistakes we have seen?
Os Espacialistas believe that to make mistakes is to walk, that the thought that counts is the one that walks and that geometry is born out of the relationship of affection that the human being establishes with Nature; aware of these f / acts, we present this “Cidade Jardim” as an open place, where it is still possible to exist through ideas transformed into sculptural words as unique ways of creating languages of future sustainability.
The thousands of blank sheets that we present in this constellation of ideas in potency, are the impossible / possible place of all the worlds to come. If all the words have already been created, as the poet says and we can only spend time constellating them and essentializing new meanings of connection, let us then intensify their sculptural nature, continually exhausting his imagination!
Bio |
Os Espacialistas is a laboratory project of theoretical and practical investigation of the transdisciplinary links between Art, Architecture and Education that started in 2008.
They substitute the pencil for the camera, as a device for drawing, thinking, perception and diagnosis of the natural and built space, whose actions are regulated by the Diário do Espacialista and assisted by the “Espacialista Por / tátil kit” that they carry with them.
Among the works carried out, the following stand out: Projects of architectural and artistic assistance to works of architecture and art, photography exhibitions, videos, installations, scenic spaces, performances, literary collaborations, photographic illustrations, workshops, seminars and publications.